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CyFair4Liberty PAC's mission is to carefully ​identify and support our communities most ​talented residents and inspire them to ​consider serving in a Christian conservative ​political capacity. We will educate and ​prepare them for the fight for both the ​campaign and for the duties and ​responsibilities of the office in which they ​pursue.

We will vet and endorse candidates who ​support:

  • Our Families
  • Christian Values
  • A Vibrant Economy
  • Less Government
  • Border Security / Strong Defense
  • Our Constitution


We endeavor to do our part in saving our ​country by reestablishing Christian, ​Conservative values within the CyFair ​community while safeguarding our ​Constitution through proactive candidate ​recruitment, selection, education, and ​appointment to Local and State political ​office.


CyFair4Liberty PAC's values mirror the ​America First doctrine. First and foremost, ​we are Christians and seek Christ in all that ​we do. We are committed to supporting ​strong families, a vibrant economy, less ​government, fewer taxes and reduced ​regulations. We support Israel, believe in a ​strong military, effective border security the ​Bill of Rights and our Constitution. We are ​true Constitutional Conservatives with the ​willingness to stand up and fight for our great ​Nation. We openly reject socialism and the ​liberal indoctrination of our children in our ​schools.

"A Republic...

if you can keep it."

American flag

CyFair4Liberty firmly asserts the same ethos ​as our founding fathers wrote in the ​Declaration of Independence:

"... these truths to be self-evident, that all ​men are created equal, that they are ​endowed by their Creator with certain ​unalienable Rights, that among these are ​Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ​that to secure these rights, Governments are ​instituted among Men, deriving their just ​powers from the consent of the governed.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a ​firm reliance on the protection of divine ​Providence, we mutually pledge to each ​other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred ​Honor."

CyFair4Liberty PAC (Political Action ​Committee) is a state and local General ​Purpose PAC formed when a group of ​concerned grassroots citizens organized to ​elect Talented, Conservative, Christian ​political candidates that truly represent ​CyFair's community values. Our perpetual ​PAC will help kick start future state and ​local campaigns that we endorse. We ​pledge to use best practices from the ​private sector in planning and executing ​effective political action programs in a way ​that is dramatically better than what we ​could get working through established ​channels. We firmly believe that to take ​back our country we must be prepared to ​win all elections, both big and small, from ​MUD's and HOA's to school boards and ​state congressional districts. We are ​focused on candidates in CyFair and will ​align with campaigns where we can best ​leverage our financial resources and ​expertise to help strong candidates in ​need.

We are CyFair focused and we use data ​driven, targeted, cost effective, marketing ​strategies devised and implemented using ​sound and professional business practices. ​Our messaging is equally calculated.

We are:

  • CyFair Focused
  • Raising Money to Fund Local ​Campaigns
  • Effective, Efficient and Data Driven use ​of monies
  • Transparent and Legally Compliant
  • We support Election Integrity

We openly reject:

  • Socialism & Communism
  • The liberal Indoctrination of our Children in Schools
  • Totalitarianism
  • The weaponization of our Government including our legal system
  • All forms of racism
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