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  • Radical left Democrats and establishment RINOs have nearly ​destroyed the Constitution, weaponized the federal government ​against political opposition, and created the most extensive voter ​fraud organization in history.

  • The political action organizations that support them are well-funded ​by globalist interests that seek totalitarian federal government control ​that will ultimately surrender our national sovereignty to the United ​Nations and World Economic Forum.

  • To take back our Republic and preserve our liberty, we the people ​must fight to win every election from MUDs and HOAs to school ​boards, Texas House and US Congressional Districts.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on ​the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each ​other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

"A Republic

If you can keep it."

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To regain government for the people, by regaining ​government of the people and by the people.

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"And to seal the deal on this Declaration, ​trusting in divine luck, we vow to stick together ​through thick and thin, laying down our lives, ​our riches, and our precious honor."


We will carefully identify and support our communities most committed ​and capable patriots and inspire them to become public servants of we ​the people. We will educate and prepare them for the campaign fight ​and for the duties and responsibilities of their public office.


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  • All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with ​certain unalienable rights.
  • Governments are instituted among Men to secure these rights.
  • Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the ​governed.
  • Freedom is not free, the price of liberty must be paid by we the ​people through our contribution of time, talents and treasure.

We value strong families, less government, fewer taxes and reduced ​regulations as the foundation for vibrant communities and a robust ​economy.

We call for the build up of a strong national defense against China and ​the invasion by illegal immigration.

We call for public schools to end all teaching of immoral and anti-​American values and to focus all their resources on helping our youth ​achieve world-class academic and vocational skills.

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Our team has decades of private sector expertise in renowned technology-​centric companies where they excelled at getting results in highly ​competitive environments.

We have also been actively involved in the highly successful nationwide ​Precinct Strategy as Republican Precinct Chairs.

We have been key members of multiple successful campaigns, and are ​leading contributors to the election integrity fight in Harris County.

We pledge to use private sector best practices to execute cost-effective, ​data-driven political action programs that deliver better results than ​traditional organizations that cannot effectively compete against the enemies ​of our Republic.


CyFair is home to the 3rd largest school district in Texas and one of ​the last bastions of strong Conservative support in the largest county ​in Texas that has been losing the fight in crucial Harris County.

As CyFair goes, so goes Harris County. As Harris County goes, so ​goes Texas. As Texas goes, so goes our Republic. We align with ​campaigns where we can best leverage our financial resources and ​expertise to help strong candidates in need.

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"I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. ​I seek to develop whatever talents God gave me - not security. I do not ​wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look ​after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail ​and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the ​challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to ​the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor ​my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master ​nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and ​unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and ​to face the world boldly and say – 'This, with God's help, I have done.' ​All this is what it means to be an American."

Dean Alfange, 1952

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2021 We organized a grassroots coalition with many other concerned citizens ​that helped successfully elect 3 conservatives to the CyFair ISD (CFISD) Board ​of Trustees.

Our efforts unseated 18+ year longtime incumbents and foiled radical leftist ​plans to create an Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the installation of ​Critical Race Theory in CFISD.

2022 We organized a grassroots coalition with many other concerned citizens ​that helped successfully elect 3 conservatives to Emergency Services District ​(ESD9).

2023 We organized a grassroots coalition with many other concerned citizens ​that helped successfully elect 3 more conservatives to the CFISD Board of ​Trustees garnering a 6 seat majority.

2023 We organized a grassroots coalition with many other concerned citizens that ​helped successfully elect 3 conservatives to the North Harris County Regional Water ​Authority (NHCRWA)

2023 Organized a grassroots coalition to help kill a frivolous Tax & Spend park trails ​bond in the Bridgestone MUD at $50mm while still over $100mm+ in debt.

2024 We organized a grassroots coalition with many other concerned citizens that ​helped successfully elect 3 conservatives to the Bridgestone MUD, one of Texas’s ​largest MUD’s with 12,800 registered voters and a $27mm annual budget.

2024 We organized a grassroots coalition of four bus trips to the Beaumont area to ​block walk, working towards unseating Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan. ​Dade Phelan’s terrible job as speaker killing border security, election integrity and ​other RPT legislative priority bills in the 88th legislative session was unacceptable!

2024 We helped organize along with other grassroots individuals a professional RPT ​Chair Candidate Forum in preparation for the Texas RPT state convention where ​grassroots delegates will decide the next chair. ​

2024 We helped organize along with other grassroots individuals the successful ​convention caucus election of two strong Texas GOP SREC candidates for the ​Texas GOP SREC representatives of Senate District 7 CyFair area. We additionally ​helped educate the ~8,000 state wide delegates what was at stake for the Texas ​GOP Chair, Vice Chair, national committeeman and committeewoman positions.

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checks may be mailed to: CyFair4Liberty PAC

13121 Louetta Rd #1555, Cypress, Texas, 77429

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by CyFair4Liberty PAC

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2024-01-20 -

Block Walking bus trip to Beaumont from Houston

2024-02-10 -

Block Walking bus trip to Beaumont from Houston

2024-04-20 -

Block Walking bus trip to Beaumont from Houston

2024-05-18 -

Block Walking bus trip to Beaumont from Houston

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad brought to you by the CyFair4Liberty PAC